Angela Martin: Hi, I am Angela Martin. Welcome to number 305 Ganyan Drive in Speewah. I am beyond excited and truly humbled to be able to share this wonderful, and I mean wonderful rainforest property with you today. The owner is none other than a world-famous artist, David Stacey, who is also, a lot of people don’t know this, but he is a natural historian.
This environment, his own rainforest environment, has been the inspiration for the creativity of his amazing, goosebumps, amazing works of art. It is private, it is peaceful, and it is a true nature lover’s paradise, as we’ll see when we go through. The house is nestled in amongst 5.5 beautiful private acres. You’re going to fall in love with it. Before we go in and have a look, make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel so that you can find out about more fantastic lifestyle properties just like this one.
Look at that. Every man, doesn’t matter who he is, needs a shed, and that’s the first thing that we’ve seen when we came in. It’s just a great big open farm shed with power so you can do, if you want, extra hobbies in there. Absolutely brilliant. Look at this, we’ve got beautiful, we aren’t even inside the garden yet, little mulberries. I’m going to eat that one later. Otherwise, I’m going to get [blech] black current all over my face.
This is an intimate, quirky, bespoke artist’s home. As we walk through, what we’re going to see is vibrancy of color. We’re going to see red, which just just pops. That’s why I got my red on today. Blues and teals that reflect the color of the sky and the cassowary and all the rainforest fruits. It’s just a mind-sensational just explosion of color. The house is part wood, it’s part block. It has got solar panels on there, as you can see. We’ve actually got, I think it’s about 6.6 kVA. That’s all the boring stuff. Now we’re going to go in and have a look and just feel how fabulous this property is.
We mentioned the solar power, solar panels on the roof. That is because we have got three wonderful air conditioners on the inside, so you don’t have to worry about your power bills. Now, let’s get into the David Stacey I live here artistic feel. It’s organic, it’s quirky, and it is just fabulous. Now, the first thing you’re going to notice, I’m going to point all these little bits out, we’ve got brick archway entrance.
All the doors and all the frames and all the windows and the priming inside the house, so the wooden part, is silky oak. Now, for anyone who knows about silky oak, it is the most sought-after and highly revered wood that you can buy. It is very, very expensive and really, no longer available for building. You come into just a beautiful, beautiful, warm, organic kitchen.
I mentioned at the beginning about the pops of color. David’s red with these seeds and the teals and the blues and the greens all reflecting our own natural rainforest environment and, of course, the wood just gives it the most amazing earthy feel. Now, kitchen, it’s silky oak here. The kitchen is– the bench tops are curly pine. Can you hear those cicada’s outside? They’re absolutely amazing. We do live in the rainforest.
That’s curly pine. We have got silky oak casement windows that just open up so that you let your whole natural environment come in. We’ve got a Bosch oven. We’ve got a little microwave up here. All of these doors have all been made by the master himself. We’re going to have bespoke bits of cabinetry, if that’s the right word. Little areas where you can sit. This is one of them. I love this. Absolutely love it.
You’ve got all these little drawers for your little pens and your paper, and your bits and your bobs, but before we actually head into the living area, we’ve got, as I said, we’ve got three air-conditioned, beautiful air-conditioned rooms. We’ve got a ladder here that takes us up to a little mezzanine bed. Then we’ve got a living area and two other spacious rooms through there. I’m just going to get you to pop your head up there because it’s absolutely fabulous.
Isn’t that absolutely just amazing up there? Of course, that arched window, natural light is everywhere in this house. It really is. It’s just a joy. You’ll see, as we come into the main living area that– well, that’s another air conditioner. Natural, natural, natural light. I’m going to go on about that because remember, as an artist and your inspiration comes from the rainforest, you want to see the rainforest from every room.
These windows open up so that you actually feel as if you are, just you are in the rainforest. You can be part of it, you can smell it, you can touch it. Then we have these other great big canvases, if you like. That’s the way that David sees this. That is a canvas just there on its own. Nature at its very, very best. If we look through this window over here, again, another beautiful canvas, and that takes us down to a really interesting little building which we’ll go back to in just a little minute.
Doors, again, handmade. How brilliant is that? The flooring, irreplaceable. The flooring, the wooden flooring, is actually ironbark. I spoke about bespoke pieces of wood and cabinetry. This stays. Again, this is another art piece that you’re never going to get again. That is Australian red cedar, I think, and silver ash. All these little hand works that David has done with his own hands actually stays with the property. He also created this here. If you want to, it’s one of these beautiful paintings as well, you can actually put in a potbelly stove in the winter, again, if you want to.
Now, the other brilliant thing is, and you don’t very often see this, if we look at the color of the ceiling, how brilliant is that? It actually, again, is one of the colors of the rainforest and the fruits, of the peacock, and the cassowary, and all the beautiful things that we know. Through here– ah, actually I meant to say as well, this just reminded me, the actual post box at the front is a David Stacey piece of art. You might even be able to get him to sign it before he goes so that you know that it’s there and concrete it into the ground.
We’ve got a beautiful bedroom. Now, if that doesn’t inspire, I don’t know what does. We’re going to come back here and we’re going to have a look out there, but before we do, we’re going to head into what was David’s art area. Now, such a humble, beautiful soul is David Stacey. He actually creates his art in lots of different places. At home, this is where he does it.
He used to have a studio. The old studio is still there. It’s a 50-year-old studio. If he’s at some sort of place, then he’ll paint where he’s at. This is his home studio. If you look at things like this, he’s created that. If you come in here, it actually shows you just some of the amazing, and we spoke about natural historian, don’t know if you can see this, some of the surreal ink and paintings. They’re absolutely unbelievable and they’re priceless. They’re just beautiful. Storage in there, as you would expect.
This is a special room, but it could also be made into a bedroom if you want to. This is a little cupboard in here. Don’t you come back round over here so I can show you just a little storage area. Let’s just take a minute just to look back over here because this, I’m just seeing all the different amounts of light coming in and out as the sun changes and the clouds come over.
Back into this beautiful room. Silky oak. We’ve got leadlight windows or rather stained glass in the windows. Can you imagine waking up in the morning looking at that? It’s like a big sun and looking out. Oh, my goodness. Wait till you go out here. Before we do, we’ve got, again, built in little robes and the light comes on and off. This storage goes all the way across here and all the way up to the ceiling. Now, speaking of which, I want us to look up so that we can see the fans. We can see the colour of the ceiling. We can see the gorgeous little leadlight, not leadlight, but little windows up there. Again, louvers for ventilation. Absolutely amazing.
We’re going to head out to this balcony because it’s a bit special. As we do, we have actually got an outdoor loo as well so we can just enjoy nature at its very best. For the light, I’m going to take us out. We’re going to have a look.
Would you not just want to wake up in the morning and be able to come out, we’re going to look down there in a minute, and come out onto this? It is just an amazing, amazing balcony. Now, a normal person would possibly just put a balcony that was just square and everything would all have to be right angles. Not an artist, not a creative, expressive, artistic individual, as David Stacey is. We can actually see that it goes– it almost looks like it goes from infinity.
If we stand here, turn around this way, if we stand here and then we look up there, the picture is the rainforest. It is infinity all the way up to this point. We’ve got the most amazing vibrant red. If we come around this way, ah, listen to those cicadas again, we can see the bespoke artwork. Now, this red is called true red and it’s life’s energy force. It vibrates, approximately, about 610 THz.
The contrast between the red and the green is the way that David sees the world, the red and the blue and the green. He doesn’t see it as red red. He actually just sees it as a beautiful contrast for the rainforest. As I said, this color has been specifically chosen because of its energizing, life-changing benefits. It’s absolutely phenomenal. It’s breathtaking, isn’t it? It’s quirky. The colors are vibrant. It is artistic. It is irreplaceable, absolutely irreplaceable.
We’re going to have a walk down through here. Actually, just before we do, just for reference, we can actually see that a shed is just up through there and we came around that way. We’ve got an outdoor laundry and we’ve got an outdoor bathroom. Now, you can actually put a bathroom on the inside if you want to. It would be a very simple, straightforward thing to do. As I said, having a shower and going to the loo outside is nature at its very best. Let’s go and just have a quick wonder through that area.
How brilliant was that? Like I said, room, loo with a view. Now, what we’re going to do is– I mentioned about the original studio. It has actually been converted into a little fabulous granny flat. We’re actually going to just have a wander through here. We’ll go around there and I’m going to meet you at the little granny flat.
It’s deafening, the sound of the natural environment in which we live, even though it’s totally private, it’s totally quiet, totally peaceful, no other human beings, no car noise, but you do have to wonder at the amazing natural environment in which we live. Now, that was one of the big windows that we’ve seen from the living area. This is, I think, in my very humble opinion, just brilliant. It’s like a little fairy princess den.
This blue part here, the brick was the original David’s studio. The actual building, the original brick building, a little room, is about, as I mentioned before, about 50 years old. It has been extended into just a gorgeous little indoor-outdoor granny flat retreat. It’s perfect for a family or for friends if they want to come and stay. You’ll see here too that nothing, just simple, like I mentioned before, square cuts, 90-degree cuts. This has all been teardropped. This is very much in the David Spacey style. It is bespoke carpentry artwork and it is his vision and his creativity.
This has been added on. As I said, you can actually see the blue area there. There’s been a barby little fire pit there with a little art. I love the art. Look at this. Look at this. You won’t find natural rainforest timber at Bunnings, guaranteed. Little pawpaws growing here. This building has its own septic system. The main house also has its own septic system and large water tanks, obviously. Look, we’ve got a true red, again, energy-invigorating life energy fabulousness. Beautiful crystals.
Is this just not the most instant feeling of calm? If you stand here, you can actually see, again, the little– he’s got his hand on it, the way that he’s carved it with the shapes. Now, this is beautiful. We’ve got organic timber floor in here. You’ll feel with the lighting, it is just, not that your heart rate will be up because you just walked into a stellar rainforest environment. Beautiful. See the little brick arch? This was the original David art studio.
Now a little baby bedroom. You can see the bricks on the bottom. We can see the concrete in here. Come in. It’s actually not a tiny little space. You imagine if we didn’t have any of the carpentry in here or any clothes hanging up, it would– this was all open. Again, like the natural environment and you could have everything coming in. You’ve got little cupboards here, all handmade. Again, silky oak, beautiful carpentry all handmade and rendered plastered. It’s just brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Then you come out into, it’s a little addition. That’s an addition to what was the original brick studio.
We’ve got an outdoor bathroom. Again, we all love the outdoor bathroom. This is sort of indoor-outdoor. Both have rooms with a view or loos with a view. On this other side, we’ve actually got– maybe we can actually have a look in here. Yes. We’ll go round to have a quick look, but we’ve got a bath here. Then on the other side, we’ve actually got the toilet that looks out onto the rainforest. It’s very private. Of course it’s private.
It’s organic. It’s basic. The toilet flushes. The water works and you have the most sparkly, and I mean sparkly, inspirational energy. It’ll feed the soul. This is the loo, just round in here as well. We’ll take a wander back through— room here for the washing machine. You’re living indoor-outdoor, and that is what we want when we’re living in the natural environment. You can meditate here. Look at that. That is one very big, solid hunk of wood. I bet you, it was probably milled from this very rainforest. Absolutely beautiful. We’re just going to have a bit of a quick wander up through back to the house with a quick wrap-up.
Another little beautiful bit of garden. Again, handbuilt by the master himself. We’ve got a little fire pit area, which you could just enjoy in the summer or the winter. These are all from the forest, little pinecone. This just has a beautiful– again, it’s just a gorgeous, gorgeous feel. Nothing is square. It’s all little circles or semicircles. Just beautifulness. Oh, look at this. Tibouchina. Oh, that’s gorgeous. Remember, we had that little mulberry that I’m going to pinch on the way out.
I really hope that you have enjoyed this little baby, humbling tour of the home of our master. An absolute, absolute world-famous artist, David Stacey. It gives us an insight into how people think, what inspires them. We look at a piece of art and it’s up to the individual, what they think. The person who actually created it has created it here, and it has been his own private sanctuary for many, many years.
You can buy a part of history. You can buy a part of culture. You can just buy this inspirational piece of land with the most beautiful organic home and make it your own. This could actually even be an artist’s retreat if you wanted it to because it has everything. It feels. It has a vibration. We talked about the red and all the lace work. It’s just stunning. We’ve got a 6.6 KVA solar power. We’ve got our three air conditioners. We’ve got the original studio that’s been extended. A three-bedroom home, whichever way you look at it. Remember, rooms are just rooms, so they can be configured and created and do whatever you want.
I love that balcony. You’d want to sit there and have your morning tea, cup of coffee, if not here, if not there. It could be anywhere you want it to be. Breathe this in. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to buy this creative, magnificent property. Give me a call, Angela Martin, 0403-788-187, or, I’m getting goosebumps again, visit my website, angelamartin.com.au, or angelamartin.tv. Don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel if you want to find out about more fantastic lifestyle properties just like this one. I can guarantee we’re not going to find another one like this. This is absolutely unique. It is absolutely priceless. You give me a call, but make it quick.
[00:24:20] [END OF AUDIO]
Video of 305 Ganyan Drive Speewah Qld 4881